Yes... I really doubt myself how raised my first child... he becomes more whinny lethargic, demanding taking advantage of more screen time recent times... I don't know how to be strict or stern with him all of sudden after my second baby.... I just miss the bedtime stories with my son, even I miss then did not he too miss it? One baby needs time of being playful and tending and feeding at the same time my son needs me for studying (he won't sit for studying if am not around him, I joint him tuition too, but not able to spend time with him makes me more guilty like studyin Telling stories, playing outdoor games, indoor games like business snakes and ladder doing experiments, and all, ) I started to think like I am not guiding him properly... thanks for your suggestion sis, I will try to use notes, list, alarm setting and will try work on first baby attitude too... 😇🌼
Don't put too much on your plate in one day. If there's something you can schedule for a different day. If it's cleaning, you and your partner can work as a team. When it comes to cooking, you can work together on weekends or whenever your partner has a day off. Meal prep 2-3 meals together and reheat during the week. It's okay if the oldest has to have screen time while you do something with the baby or need to do a chore etc. Then when you can do things to play with both kids, reading to both or coloring. Going outside for chalk drawing and bubbles. Anything to change up the schedule day to day. Just don't put too much pressure on yourself to get it all done in one day. Tomorrow is another day to try being and doing whatever you want❤️ This time is so temporary, things will change and you can change with it in anyway that works for you personally. You go this, mama😉
Yeah... thanks 😊 I will remember your words... I hope i can make it... I have to prepare myself rather than to worry about my outcome...
Bedtime stories and outdoor sibling time.. priority to this... 😇 thank you !
We are not perfect as humans, nor should anyone expect us to be perfect. It's hard to be a mom! It's even more challenging if our kids have special needs. My son had a few special needs almost immediately, that's why I waited 4 years before I had my second. I waited 5 years for my third and final baby. I'm glad I did because I couldn't handle them all being in diapers at the same time. I would be overwhelmed mentally and emotionally. My husband would be overwhelmed financially. My son and daughter being older means they can help out with the baby sometimes. I have to use my calendar, notes and alarms to keep our schedule straight. Sometimes you have to use these tools to remind yourself of your children's needs. You might still forget or be late, so you'll have to give yourself grace. All you can do is try, but don't expect perfection. That's not fair to you, your partner or your children. They won't be perfect either, love is more important. Good luck!