
I’m now pregnant with my 2nd baby and will be formula feeding them. What did everyone do straight after birth if you were planning on bottle feeding? Did you allow them to latch on straight after birth and then go onto formula hours later? Or did you just do formula straight away? I exclusively breastfed my first baby for 15 months but it took a toll on my mental health hence why I’m formula feeding this time 🫶🏻
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I formula fed straight away, my midwife said it was better for baby and for me. That way the baby doesn’t learn that they can have breast and my body wouldn’t think it needed to make more milk ☺️

You can get teeny bottles of ready made formula but if you can bring yourself to breastfeed even once, that would be worth it. No judgement either way though, what’s best for you is really best for them too! Had twins and couldn’t tandem feed so they had formula within hours. Don’t beat yourself up or let anyone else regardless of what you choose to do!! xx

Thanks guys !!!! 🥰🥰🥰

I breastfed straight away and very quickly moved onto formula ❤️

Latched on a breastfed a couple of times in the hospital. The nurses took him for a few hours whilst I slept because I had been up for about 24hours and they gave him a little formula so he was a bit of booth what our 2 days in the hospital. Ended up formula when I got out as couldn’t get him to latch on at home. Was happy with either way he was fed but felt formula was easier for us also if Dad was doing it during the night too x

I tried breastfeeding but the stress I went through when he ended up back in hospital at just a few days old, I just went onto formula and he took it no bother x

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