Hi Clare! I'm 52... perimenopausal..and yes...i get blurry at times....i have glasses..but a lot of times ....my eyes get blurry ....wonder if it's due to the decline of estrogen...don't know...🥺
@Shravni Thanks. I have booked appointments with Dr and eye as it is hard to read with reading glasses as well!! V annoying 🙄
Hi Clare-I wonder if you might be in varifocal territory. I really struggled to focus as lots of things were blurred despite glasses and reading glasses. Got them and luckily I adapted to them pretty quickly and they helped. ❤️👓
@Tanya interesting as opticians did suggest that ages ago but have always managed with glasses and reading glasses separately.
@Tanya did you get headaches with the varifocals?
I could not get on with varifocals at all. Gave me headaches
Hello 🙂 Dry eyes and other mucous membranes can be a symptom of peri/menopause, so if other symptoms are niggling too then a review would be appropriate. Please do discuss using suitable eye drops with your optometrist - they can be a big help if dry eyes are the problem 😊🩷