I like to take mine outside on our covered porch to get some fresh air. I do this at least 2x per day and allow me out of the house for fresh air too.
Warm wash cloth on tummy/chest/arms/legs
So I have a 2 week old and it’s my first so take this advice for what it is. I shifted my son almost by accident. Since he wasn’t sleeping at night my husband took a shift watching him from 6-10 with a bottle while I slept. Just not having me around made him more alert, he wasn’t crying or anything but he fusses more for my husband and generally takes shorter naps. The bottle is also less comfort for him than breastfeeding so after like 2 days of this he started being his most alert and awake during that early evening time instead of the middle of the night.
I also don’t swaddle him for day time naps vs PM sleeps, I never let him sleep more than 2 hours from 8-8, I do at least 3 min of tummy time each sleep/diaper/feed cycle and naps happen mainly in his vibrating chair instead of the bassinet.
Baby will learn the difference between day and night around 6 weeks of age
Mine loves to fall asleep on the boob so I’ll either walk her around before feeding or sometimes right after, especially if she didn’t nurse as long as usual. I’ll also put her in a safe space awake while I do a few chores and she’ll look around for a while before getting fussy 🤷🏼♀️ my first born is also very loud so that helps lol
Follow the eat change/play sleep routine on a 3 hour schedule if they aren’t waking before. Ex: wake at 7/8 am and feed. I usually change in the middle of feeding because my son gets drowsy and wants to fall asleep feeding so changing or getting him naked makes him cry and wake up. Feeding usually is 30 ish min. Keep awake for another 15-30 or so and then back to sleep for about 2 hours then repeat. Looking up age appropriate wake windows is super helpful! And focus on feeding every 3 hours. Sometimes they can’t stay awake super long some parts of the day and that’s ok just be mindful of it, it helps
My baby girl is the same