I had a placental abruption at 38 weeks pregnant with my first. It was pretty bad, but I went on to have a healthy second pregnancy and had another 20 months later. I did not have another abruption and I was not considered high risk. However a few hours after the c-section with my daughter I did hemmorrhage. I don't know if my past abruption could be any cause. The risk does go up but not by all that much. The chances are still relatively low. You go from 1% chance of it happening to about 11% afterwards. Or you can be like me go a different route and hemorrhage after c-section which also has an only 1% rate 🙃 ultimately I am alright, both my babies were born healthy and happy, we cut it a bit close on my oldest because we had an incompetent nurse who told me I was fine and my bleeding was normal while I continued to need those large bed pads changed every 15-30 minutes from filling with blood. My next nurse noticed within 15 minutes of her shift and got to work on it. They rushed me back for a c-section.
I will add my son's umbilical cord was detaching as well. When they got him out it was like 90% of the way severed and completely white with no blood flow. We barely got him in time. The nurse after said someone must have been praying over me and my baby because we almost didn't make it. My husband even said he thought he saw me dying on the table. He said he saw life leave my eyes before they began rolling back. I didn't die on the table I immediately came right to. I just wanted to give an idea how bad it was. I don't mean to be scary. But I went through all this. Yet I had a healthy pregnancy, a smooth problem free delivery, in fact it went better than was expected. I'm anemic so they just expected me to lose alot of blood. I guess my body was playing a joke on them. Keeping them on their toes. My doctor really wasn't too concerned about abruption til it came to the end. And not really concerned but she wanted to do my c-section at 38 weeks just in case.
I had a complete Placenta abruption in 2020 at 23 weeks literally almost lost my life and got pregnant again within 6-7 months and had a healthy baby no placenta abruption with this baby
I had my first 4 months ago and my placenta abrupted during delivery. I wanting to find the same thing out. I was told that mw and my daughter were very lucky to still be here. So the thought of it happening again is scary