Anyone having issues with their partner?

I love my partner and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for us and our relationship. But lately we just argue and disagree on soo many things. I feel very resentful towards him. He gets to have free time (gaming) at night while the baby and I sleep but then wants to sleep all day the next day. I feel like it’s unfair. He does argue that I can let him know when I want time to myself but it’s so freaking hard. Idk if I’m in my head or what?! But it’s gotten to the point where I’m ready to move on from my relationship in hopes to provide my baby a peaceful environment. Any advice?😞😖🙁
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I hate the "you should let me know" because it puts it on you rather than him having to think about it and I know I feel bad for asking! I do think you should ask for it though - even if just to make sure it's not an empty promise. Do you guys have a "shift" ? Maybe an agreed guideline on caring times may help!

If he gets down time, you get down time. It might help if you sit down and map out the week together and then hold him to that schedule.

I feel this so much in my relationship. Every argument we have I'm ready to move on things change,people change

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