2 year old’s sleep training ruined or regression/phase?
We have sleep trained our LG when he was 5.5 months. For the most part he’s been good, least in comparison to what I think would suck (bed sharing and feeding at night etc but to each his own) but recently, either he has changed or we have changed and now we hold his hand for a while~~~ and talk about his day etc, after we lay him down in his crib, to try and avoid heart wrenching crying. Is this a bad habit we’re starting? Is it a phase? We could get rigid again but I just don’t have it in me anymore since now he uses sentences that include keywords like “I need you” or “ I need your help” or “I’m scared”….but I don’t know if this is all the same sophisticated song and dance or regression? Or assisted regression?
we are also gonna have another baby in 5 months and this may end up adding to the stress? Any thoughts about the situation are welcome.
It’s only an issue if you feel it’s an issue. It will become a ‘habit’ and if you are happy with that then that’s ok :) if you find it gets harder and harder and he wakes in the night needing you, then you may want to think about making a change then :)