How much Tylenol are u giving baby? U should take him when his past 100.6 sooo 101 would be it
My baby was just sick two weeks ago. Go to the hospital if they hit 103! Make sure you’re giving Tylenol every 4 hrs even throughout the night wake up!! It’s super scary but will get better. My baby girl went through the fluctuating and the last night she was sick (3rd day) she got so close to the verge and next day it was broken
I took her temp right under her armpit and just held her arm down
The doctor told me if I take her to the hospital all they would do is take her temp and give the Tylenol so wait it out, I know it’s stressful. Stay consistent with the Tylenol. It’s gonna seem like it’s a bit much but it really does break the fever eventually
As long as they aren’t puking or anything. If it’s just fever , cough, runny nose. You’re good
Also damn towel with alcohol helps on the forehead mixed with water
@Ana , I wasn’t exactly sure what to do based on the chart I have. Sitting with baby in arms currently but I’m pretty sure it said 2.5 for 17lb and then 20lbs I think it said 3 something.. but that said for 12-23 months. And he’s only 9.5. So I didn’t want to do too much. But I gave him 2.75. Is that not enough??
@Lisa , I take temp under armpit. Baby did puke up a little while ago while trying to give Tylenol. Was doing so good then just couldn’t an wouldn’t take it. Three it up plus milk, choked on it a little bit. Was awful. So I had to wait until the 5.3hr mark to give him the Tylenol in full. Now we’re at the 101.2 fever. Doing damp cloth on forehead and back of neck. I’m just worried about sleeping.. but yes I will wake him at the 4 hr mark but how am I gonna get him to take the medicine?? Unless I just put it into an ounce or two baba. That might work.
If he’s puking because he’s trying to get the medicine out then ok but if he’s puking when it has nothing to do with the medicine maybe take him for a visit just to be safe. Or if your pediatrician does the 24hr phone visit do that! When I give my girl medicine I hold her, lean her back, push in half. Push up her bottom like and she swallows it. Then I do the other half . That’s made it so much easier
Bottom lip**
I think mine made it close to 102 . Like 101.8 or something like that. I know it’s super scary:(((
Mix the damn towels with some rubbing alcohol it helps soak up the toxins And umm I think that might be to much I was giving my daughter 1.75 if not mistaken Chart says 120ml
My baby is 17lb and I did 2.5 every 4 hrs
@Allie the medication dose is all weight based, don't worry about the age line! Also alternate Tylenol and motrin to help a fever too!
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Consider laying off the meds unless baby acts fussy, OR if the fever is dangerously high. Remember the fever acts as a way to burn any germs to a fiery death. Medicating takes away that line of defense. And of course make sure baby stays hydrated. If baby does start acting fussy, I’d do the Tylenol/ibuprofen alternating dance. Because they’re drugs of the gods. And of course just keep an eye out for teeth, ear pulling, rash, etc. When my son had a fever, he was so mellow so we turned on Paw Patrol (we never have tv on in the house) and he cuddled us and watched cartoons. He had a fever Monday-Wednesday and Friday he broke out in a rash for two days. By Sunday the rash went away and now he is healthy! You got this mama!
My baby hit 103.8 a few days ago and pediatrician said to just give Tylenol based on weight. If the temp doesn’t go away within 3 days they recommend taking them in. Throwing up is only if they aren’t able to keep anything down. My daughter also threw up while giving Tylenol once. Also if there breathing changed then you could take them in. I know this was posted yesterday but thought I’d share our experience from this past week.
I saw something from the “pediatrician grandma” (she posts videos a lot, not sure how many people are familiar with her) but she explained the fever is never the “emergency” - it’s the other symptoms they have with it. An example she gave is if your kid is running a temp of 101 but they’re running around with the same energy levels they usually have, they’re probably fine to just give some Tylenol and keep an eye on them (and keep them hydrated! Fevers WILL dehydrate you) Though, if they’re clearly sick, lethargic, or have other concerning symptoms, it wouldn’t hurt to at the very least call the nurse line; they’ll ask you some questions and confirm whether or not they need to be seen right away. Granted; if the fever is persistent; that would warrant a call to their doctor or the nurse line. Back to staying hydrated; if they/you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. And if you don’t keep yourself hydrated normally, it’s much harder to keep up with once you have a high fever
is there any rash on his body? my baby had a rash on his bum and even the doctors don’t see
100.4 is a fever but rectally