Definitely stick with it. My LO was doing really well at home but then when he went back to nursery, he started coming home with lots of dirty clothes. After a few weeks he's more or less stopped having accidents at nursery. I think it's just the change of setting, different people to ask help from, the busy-ness of nursery and lots to do there which just distracts them from the toilet!
Definitely stick with it. Ask the nursery to give him reminders and reassure him that he won’t miss out on anything.
Stick with it, my son had been potty trained for 6 months or so when he started nursery was having 0 accidents and when he started nursery started having accidents. It's a whole different environment. They can be as strict asking/taking as you would. Give it time
Thank you everyone for the reassurance! We will continue! Fingers crossed he’ll work it out at nursery soon!
Stick to it. I was afraid to but felt that I didn't want to undo the work I had done at home. Does he ask or do you remind him? I did find that letting him get wet helped him understand that he had to ask to prevent it. They should also be taking him frequently if he doesn't ask. The occasional accident is normal though.