@Emily when you say you are starting probiotics what do you mean? My little lady has been like this and very gassy this last night so I’m happy to try anything xx
@Emily yes I showed the doctor and they did say he would grow out of it. I tried probiotics and baby massage, not had much luck. I was thinking osteopath but not sure if wasting my time or not
@Emily hi! I’m having the same issue except it starts from like 9pm - as soon as he’s put down in his crib - and continues alllll night! I was thinking of going to an osteopath too (have been giving probiotics and massages and today I have cut out dairy just to test) but when I read more about how they can help it seems that it has more to do with helping to relieve the neck/jaw/diaphragm to stop gas getting in, but I think my baby’s gas is being produced in his tummy rather than air being gulped in. Do you know whether an osteopath can also help if that is the case? Could you maybe tell me what your friends explained to you? TIA!
Mine is 9 weeks and same 🥲
Our doctor has given me cow milk free formula to try as he did have other symptoms of an allergy but they all gone now it's just the gas, so I haven't changed her over as thought maybe he will grow out of it
Mine does this (usually from 4am)it's so sad to see as she's clearly in discomfort! I wasn't sure what it was so I videoed her and sent it to friends who explained to me what it was. I'm starting probiotics and baby massage but if this doesn't work I'll have to take her to an osteopath.