If bub still has reflux at 9 months, could possibly be related to an allergy
@Asia our breastfeeding journey sadly stopped as soon as he cane home from his month stay in the hospital. He's been on formula since then and now food.
Our peds office has 4 Drs. 2 of them run in, ask 4 questions, don't let you answer, say "they are doing great!", and run out. I gave them each 2 tries and they did the same thing. I told the front desk that we don't want either kid seeing those two so they made a not in our files. I've also changed offices before if I wasn't being listened to
@Ella Iwas unaware it could mean he could be allergic to something
I think you should both get on a probiotic. If you breastfeed, then just you. This could be food related and you should have baby see an allergist. I’m on my 2nd pediatrician bc I will not put up with bs from a doc. You still know best over a doctor that doesn’t spend every day with baby.