It's worth a try my friends lo was dry at 10 months so it's possible he's ready
He isn't dry yet but he hates his nappy on I think I'm gonna look at getting on xx
I got my little girl a potty at the start of summer and she is now using it every day. She’s still in nappies when we go out and she’s just starting to understand how pants work (she’s been naked most of the time which she prefers anyway 🙃) but she can put shorts and leggings on so she’s working out now if she has those on without a nappy she needs to pull them down to use her potty. I also got one of those toilet step/seat things for her and she uses that as well. I think if he wants to be free it’s totally worth having the option there for him, he’ll probably get the hang of it quickly having an older brother to watch as well
Hi mamas please suggest what pottys you are using for trials or any other tools? My LO is also 20m in same situation always wants to rip off his nappy when no clothes are on and always trying to put his hand down his nappy and fights nappy changing. Maybe he is ready for training x
I think it’s worth getting a potty to at least try associate it even if he’s not ready to use it yet! My boy definitely isn’t there yet 😅x