Does your partner say anything to her to let her know that her behaviour is upsetting you? As your partner, they should absolutely be shutting these sorts of conversations down immediately to support you, so I would be expecting them to take the main brunt of this as it’s their parent? I agree with the person above, distance yourself and prioritise your own mental health. She doesn’t seem to be adding anything positive to your life and is definitely not an example of what you would want your child to learn from, so I would say - sorry but I’m not going to engage in this until I’m ready to! Don’t people please, if she’s adding nothing good to your life then don’t have her in it!
I feel like you really need to talk about options of dealing with this with your partner, when I was having trouble with my MIL I sat my partner down and said to him that quite honestly, if she carries on not respecting me she will not be involved in my baby's life the way she wants to be. It's never a nice conversation bit if your partner is mature enough and loves you, he won't have only noticed all of this behaviour, but will hear you out. So sorry you've been dealt these cards, MILs can be a nightmare
@Scarlet @Nicole @Christina shortly after we found out we were pregnant we actually moved 2 hours away to distance ourselves more as we kinda knew we didn't want her over bearing. Luckily I have an amazing partner and we try to ignore most of her comments but when she does severely cross the line, he normally standing up for me before I even have to ask. Luckily we are both on the same page about what she is like, we don't want to cut her off completely but we have distanced ourselves drastically already and she's not got the message. Being two hours way hasn't stopped her calling at the house uninvited regularly too 🙄
She seems like an absolute pain in the arse. It's great your partner is supportive. I feel like you unfortunately need to disconnect from her mentally and try and ignore/not compare yourself with the SIL if you can
After everything you're going through with the pregnancy, this sort of stress is the last thing you need! Sorry that it's been so difficult for you, good to hear your partners on the same page. As it's been said already, it's just about standing your ground and setting boundaries. Anything she tells you 'you need to do/not do', i would just say thanks for your input, we will consider it and make the best decision for us as a family - names included!
Oh my god, how have you both bitten your tongues and not told her to f off? She is obviously jealous of you, or feels the need to put you down for some reason. It's all just so insulting. I would separate yourself from this toxic woman. Honestly, she's not good for your mental health, and she's not even being helpful anyway
Sorry you're going through this your MIL sounds like something else. I'd probably distance myself and not tell her too much to be honest.