@Kayla she’s 3 weeks old tomorrow
Little Remedies Gas Relief Drops.
We use mylicon brand
Gripe water! It works WONDERS on my ebf baby! You can start using as early as 2 weeks old and completely safe!
My baby is a week in a half and he’s been seeming like he’s pushing but not pooping a lot is it considered gas ?
@Kayla yes for the regular it’s 2 weeks for the night time it’s a month old 🙂 gripe water helps my baby so much!
Pumping baby’s legs and doing baby bicycles also help so much with the gripe water
@Dezarae either gas or trying to work some poop out! My baby does the same thing
@Dezarae I think so , my baby does the same. She poops like once a day too. But she farts so much
@Devin Lowe how old is ur baby ?
@Devin Lowe I just try this , nothing was coming out
My baby is a month and a week old now! Been using gripe water and baby bicycles since she was 2 weeks. The bicycling won’t always get farts out but it will help them move things along so she doesn’t have such an upset belly!
@Devin Lowe okay so I guess I’m not doing the bicycle for no reason lol
Gas drops are newborn safe, but I think you’re supposed to wait until they’re 2 weeks old