Exclusively pumping routine
Hey those who exclusively pump with a newborn what’s your routine? I’m struggling to figure out what’s best for us. In the day I tried every 2 hours and would get maybe 2oz per pump but after a while this would drop to just over an oz. My other problem is at night I don’t want to be up every 2 hours as I’d get no sleep with baby’s wake windows. I’ve also found that by not pumping between 3am and 12pm my breasts felt more full and I was able to pump 4oz. Can somone help me out and let me know their pumping routine as atm baby is combi fed as I either can’t get enough milk quick enough or I don’t want to spend most of my night on the pump! Thanks 😁🙏🏻
I always found with every 2 hours it’s too much and I wasn’t getting a lot from it! I now pump every 4ish hours sometimes 3, depends if I’m out and about. Then once overnight around 4am z