We do all seasoning except salt and stock cubes, I just run this through ours at the end. Cows milk is also fine to use in food as long as it’s full fat. I use it all the time for my 7 month old in cooking
Started introducing seasonings here too. I don't think I did them early enough with my now 3 year old and she doesn't like anything spicy or strong flavoured! We've done cinnamon, nutmeg, paprika, zero salt stock cubes, oregano, basil, and a tiny bit of curry sauce.
We have started using seasoning. Mixed herbs, garlic etc just not salt or pepper. We use blue milk quite a bit in his food when making a cheese type sauce. This week he head weatabix with full fat milk 😊
We let LO have every seasoning other than salt, it's perfectly fine for them. Pepper, paprika, cinnamon etc, no harm at all