I’m 26 weeks + 2 days and I’ve only experienced flutters but I mentioned it to my midwife and she’s said it’s normal and it’s nothing to worry about as I’ve not felt my little boy move properly yet. but he’s fine as I’ve heart his heartbeat so I honestly wouldn’t worry xxx
My midwife said not to expect any kind of pattern until 26ish weeks. I'm 21 weeks at the moment and definitely have some days I feel her more and others that movement feels lighter
Yeah that’s all I feel really, just little flutters and I sometimes wonder if it is just gas, but it’s not so much a sensation I’ve experienced before! It’s all so new and exciting but nerve racking at the same time
Mine are random but can feel them when lying down or sitting mostly. No pattern yet. Feels like little bubbles of tummy gas but I know it's not tummy gas 😂