Circumstantial or cheater ?
So recently my husband been having a lot going on which makes me think he's cheating while he's saying he's not that this is all circumstantial 1 l went through his phone to see his brother been sending him nudes of other females as well as trading butt pics and instagrams of other females 2 recently he's been messaging girls on Snapchat and set his messages up to automatically delete there was one girl he sent something too that reacted to whatever he sent when I asked him what was it about at first he lied and said he hasn't been texting anyone then changed it to she accidentally tagged the wrong person in a post and he was informing her of that 3 this week someone I assume is a woman texted him this
"I bought a lot of seafood. Can we have dinner together tomorrow night 🥰" he is saying he doesn't know this person and that it's one of those bots that try to scam you but when I texted the number back it came up as an iPhone 4 l recently was on his Facebook and found that he has been searching up all these women profiles and stuff like everyday and then when I would check if they had messages there weren't any except for one where he deleted whatever he sent her and all I could see her reply which was" aweeee 👀👀" so please tell me am I tripping or is this Valid
100% valid. You got a LOT of evidence...