Try the bibs or tommee tippee nipple shape ones if you haven’t already, they’re the only ones my little one would take. Took a while but she eventually took it x
I gave in on giving her one until my mum/nana gave it to her and it did help to soothe her until her next feed. I think it was 2 weeks after I had her and I’m still breastfeeding and introduced to some bottle feeds x
my baby is 13 days and i EBF, we literally introduced one today, just for every now and then when needed. we used the MAM newborn one and baby seems happy and has been feeding as normal! x
Gave a dummy day 5 and never effected breast feeding but it really did help calm him. Used the mam newborn one too x
Thanks everyone, tried a mam newborn one yesterday and she spat it straight out 😂
We introduced one on day 3. He’s now 2.5 weeks old and still breastfeeding well. It just helps settle him especially with my husband. My SIL introduced one around week 3 and EBF for 16 months no issues I use the mam dummies which are a bit flatter and he took to them well but you may have to explore some different ones