Thank you! I wouldn’t say I have been eating more, as I also have a cold and not super hungry so have to force myself. Thank you thought for saying that, it feels good to know I’m not alone with this♥️
Its not easy but I really hope everything goes well for you❤❤
Omg yes, I’m sooo bloated 🤰 I look like I have a big bump at 8 weeks but it’s just the bloat with any food or drink I have 😩
I feel the same literally. I suffer with pcos and IBS too and I am extremely bloated and feel like there is a bump already (i am only 7+1 wks). Have you been eating more than before? Because I have been really hungry and eat a lot more than before I was pregnant and I feel like that is one of the reasons I am so bloated. Being in the same boat as you all I can say is go easy on yourself and hopefully in the next few weeks the bloating should go away x