I try settling first in her crib without picking her up as she tends to just wake up and babble to herself, if she doesn’t settle and gets upset then I will offer a feed but she normally goes back to sleep without feeding as she’s used to not having a feed at night now x
Thank you so I will try settle without a bottle first 🥰
My boy went through this for just over a week and I stuck to the usual time that I fed him and just popped his dummy back in and put my hand on his tummy to help him settle. I never picked him up out of the crib so he got used to staying in there. The only time I fed him extra was if he was crying/really upset but generally he was just more fidgety and unsettled 🙂 you've got this!
Try to soothe her back, let her have a go herself if it doesn’t work you can help, feed at the usual time or if she really won’t settle x
I breastfeed but have started trying to soothe first and if that doesn't work or she starts crying I offer her the boob. Normally she falls asleep within minutes but wants a feed about 4am. X