Help! I'm 15 dpo and I'm still getting faint positives!

These are both 15 dpo? Any one else have this and everything be okay?
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Mine was like this I had slow rising hcg ended up in a mc , ask for bloods to be done x

It could be that you ovulated later than you thought! Don’t panic just test every other day and see how it increases! Sending baby dust ❤️

I would suggest testing every two days and check for line progression. Sending baby dust and all the best❤️

It takes between 48-72h for the hormone to rise. I would say try to relax as much as you can and test again in 2-3 days. This happened to me, and when I tested 3 days later it looked darker already. I wish you all the best

@Tatiana thank you. I'm so worried I don't want to lose another baby.

@Angelina I understand you so well. I had 2 miscarriages already this year, and pregnant now with my 3rd. I hooe we both have our babies soon. It is sich an emotional time

Any update? 🙏🏻🙏🏻

It looks darker than your test on the 5th. I say positive!

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