@Brittany agreed! We have 2 very opinionated, hard headed boys soo definitely appreciate when he steps in the way he does lol 🥴 as he should lol
Yes, but also, it's up to me to hold boundaries too, not rely on hubby to do it. But also obviously hubby should not undermine you.
Yes definitely if he's nearby. We have talked about it too and agree that for now it's "listen to your mother" but when they are older, like teenagers, something like "don't speak to my wife like that" will actually speak more to our strong relationship and showing them what's a healthy relationship
Yes. It makes my husband very upset when the kids are being difficult for me.
We do it for each other. If I’ve asked them to do something and they ignore me or talk back he will say something like “I heard mummy ask you to _____ so go and do it” and I’ll do the same with him or we’ll tell them to stop being rude if they’re talking back. Neither of us force apologies because that doesn’t actually teach them to be sorry it’s just teaching them words.
Yes but we try to say my husband/wife. Idk if it’ll help but I’ve heard it’s good to hear so they don’t only see “my mom/dad” and that the person in question is important to others.
Oddly yes. My husband will correct his behavior even when I'm not around. We're a team and it's honestly the best feeling ever
Yessss. My husband ALWAYS sticks up for me. My dad was like this with my mom too. I think it’s a great way to model healthy relationships too, especially if you have a son.