In pain/engorged
My 9 week old has been sleeping 10 to 12 hours a night without waking or needing a feed for a few weeks now. When he started to sleep long stretches I was pumping once before bed and that would usually keep me comfortable until he woke up to feed in the morning and if I was still feeling engorged I would pump again.
These past few nights I have had to get up between 3 and 5 am to pump because I'm in so much pain and feeling so engorged. My issue is that one of my breast still feels so engorged and in pain and I can feel a couple of clogged ducts even after pumping. What can I do to minimize the discomfort? I would like to drop the night time pumping sessions as well because I just want to sleep instead.
I’d take 4 of the sunflower lecithin supplements from LegendairyMilk per day for the clogs, then 2/day once they’re gone to keep them away. If you’re not a wiggly sleeper (or if you are, as long as you don’t mind a mess), you could also try the haakaa Ladybug wearable suction pumps overnight to gently pull tiny amounts of milk out throughout the night as your breasts fill up, though you wouldn’t be able to use it for feeding since it’ll be warmer than room temp for ages, but you could use it for baths and such!