Labor Coming Soon?
Hello Everyone! I’m due January 1st & wondering if anyone else had or is having these symptoms and suspect labor is nearing. To preface, with my first I was gaslit so hard I was in labor for 3 days before birthing my baby and they didn’t believe me until my water finally broke. My OB is still telling me I wasn’t in labor and that it was prodromal even though I was dilating (slowly but surely) and had consistent contractions the entire time ranging from 5-10 minutes. He was also two weeks early. This time around baby girl is dropping much earlier than my son did, I’ve been having morning sickness again, extreme pelvic pressure that I feel in my butthole and a weird soreness to I think my pelvic bone? It quite literally feels like I got externally kicked in the vagina, not the same as lightening crotch. I’ve also been cramping and sleeping 3-4hrs a night without feeling overly exhausted from the lack of sleep. I’ve already panic nested and have had a weird feeling she’ll come at 36 weeks since I found out. I didn’t have Braxton hicks with my first and he was sunny side up so any cramping was in my back but with her it feels like I’m having period cramps and gas cramps all the time. I’m questioning all day whether I need to poop or if it’s a contraction because my belly feels tight most of the time with how large she already is. I feel a little crazy because everyone says you’ll know but I didn’t go to the hospital with my first until the pain was unbearable and I only went thinking maybe they’d be able to give me pain relief and send me home. I felt and heard my water breaking in the shower but I had a large baby so he kept blocking the break and I had to have my water rebroken during labor twice. Signs labor is nearing can just be looked at as normal pregnancy symptoms so I’ve been very confused. Being only 35+3 I want to be cautious so early intervention measures can be taken to prolong birth till I’m at least 36 weeks but one of my medications I’m taking this time around that I didn’t with my first puts me at higher risk for preterm labor. I also heard preterm labor symptoms are harder to spot since they can be more mild. ALSO I feel dramatic every time I get concerned because of how much gaslighting I experienced with my first 😅
Due date twin ❤️.