@Samantha I didn’t think of that 🙉 so really she’s doing 8oz every 4 hours 😂 thank you
No worries- as long as baby is happy and growing I wouldn’t worry about it how much- babies will eat when they want and refuse it when they want- my little one is awkward- one day she will have 27 oz some days she will have 18- but she is putting weight on and t she is happy that’s all the matters
You are probably feeding more than recommended because she is feeding every two hours. I wouldn’t worry.. my baby is 13 weeks and she is 10 lb 3 and is on 5oz every 4 hours but some days she won’t even take that My health visitor said for her weight she should be on 22oz a day but as long as she is gaining weight and is reaching milestones not to worry