@Ci true but I don't think the conversations had on here by most are grounds for being judgemental.were all just trying to learn and cope with what we're dealing with.
@Felicia Rae i agree with that
Why assume it’s because they’re ashamed of their kids? What a strange post. Everyone is entitled to their privacy, regardless of their reasoning.
If anything like my bio-family or community in which I live, I want no one and nothing to know about my life, my kids life, whether good, bad, or in-between.
I prefer to have nothing online about me or my kids that can easily be tied to me. No pictures, stories, nothing. But putting it out there, you are creating your child’s/family’s full profile online. Schools, diagnosis, d.o.b etc.. this can be accessed in future by scammers, employers, anyone just looking to take advantage. I’m proud of my son, and I will protect him in anyway I can.
I’m not sure if sheepish is the word lol but I get what you mean. Depending on what you’re saying, you may not want everybody to know it’s you. People are mean, judgmental, and just down right nosey.