@Brynne really random but recently for me it’s Mormon 🤣
My word is disheveled. I’ve never heard it out loud (or so I thought) and I’ve always said “dis-heave-alled” My husband corrected me and said it was actually “dis-shev-alled” I like my pronunciation better it just makes sense mentally
y’all… 🥴🤣
For the record I was listening to someone talk about the Mormon wives show and I am truly convinced it was either a different word before or just said differently.
@Meghan your husband is right 😉
Pursue and Persuade 😂
I thought Jessica langs name was pronounced with a french G like how mange in mangetout is said. I must of sounded so pretentious
Orchard. Fucks me up every time
Rotisserie Wheel barrow Quinoa Acai Temu
I was talking dishwasher brands w a new mum on peanut which we’ve got along like a house on fire and 2 1hr FaceTimes since….knocked me backwards when she pronounced the brand “Miele” I’ve always pronounced as “mi-el” and she said “Mel-lay” I dunno what’s correct 😂 same goes for lots of brands -perfume, cars etc. like you guys even say Adidas different to us 😂 It’s usually brands for me. Nene chicken I say “Nini” others pronounce as “nay nay” like 🤯😂 Sometimes I’ll blurt out a word people didn’t know existed and they fight me on it 😂 was talking to my daughter and hubby and I said “exacerbate” (aka to make something worse) and they’re both like that’s not a word. I said yes it is look it up. And it’s there 😂 they thought I was trying to say something else but came out wrong
@Victoria~ how? There is only one way of saying that word 😄
@Rachel could u tell me what it is cuz I honestly have no idea
Not quite the same but for most of my childhood I thought hors d’oeuvres was pronounced whores devoors - I’d only ever read it, I’d never heard anyone say it out loud 😂 I also thought Cadillac was pronounced Ca-dyllic, like the word idyllic
@Victoria~ it is literally how it looks. Like how you would say Richard.
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@Katie wheelbarrow? Seriously?
I used to say Quinn-Noah for Quinoa until I heard someone say it on an advert 😄
Narrator for me!!
@Rachel I’ve heard people say that 2 ways - or-chid or or-cid. Some people say the ch in that word and some people don’t. My sister 😂 the other day she said ex-cala-mation mark and we cracked up saying it’s not cala it’s cl 😂 there’s no A been c and l but she said it like was it was 😂 so funny.
@Kellie she said Orchard, not Orchid. 2 totally different words.
@Rachel it’s not that unreasonable like Michael is a ch with the k sound instead of cha. The English language is dumb
@Victoria~ Richard is the ch sound, though. So is Orchard.
I am now doubting the word orchard. lol
@Rachel ya in the US people often (myself included) pronounce it wheel barrel
Omfg my entire childhood my entire family pronounced it "brocco-lie" not brocco-lee". As an adult now, my mother point blank denies it. She thinks she has always said brocco-lee. It's cracked out.
@Rachel no I’ve heard people say the word orchard without the ch. “we’re going to the orcard” (how they say it) I know orchid is a different word that’s a flower. That’s probably what Vic meant.
@Katie again, barrow & barrel are 2 completely different words 😄
@Kellie that's wrong though. You can't say it without the ch. Orcard isn't a word.
@Rachel exactly 😂I’m not saying it’s right, I’m saying I thought it was right until I felt like everybody changed it (which is what the post is about 😉)
what word??