Very weird behaviour!! Trust your gut I say. Just keep telling her that YOU aren’t ready to be away from YOUR baby. It’s not about her and her feelings.
Her behaviour does sound strange to me, especially wanting to leave the room and be alone with him whilst she's already holding him. Nothing stops her being "a grandparent" if baby's parents are in the room. This does seem weird.
Not oversensitive. You don't owe her alone time with your son. I would never allow my MIL to be alone with my kid if she kept pushing like this.
Well depends what’s your back ground you know in some African tradition they cut the babies hair maybe she wants to do that , or maybe she just want to help maybe let her come to your house to baby sit while you nap upstairs but you can leave the cameras on downstairs. Another way of looking at it maybe she’s just excited to be a grandma. I used to leave my. Daughter with my mum when she was 6 weeks so I could nap.
This is very weird, very pushy and making it all about her. If you're not comfortable and it's not needed by you to leave your baby, then don't xx
It’s so good your partner is supportive, that’s half the battle. If she continues with this behaviour I’d have to say if it carries on you won’t see him at all, that should make her back off. My regret when my two year old was little was I didn’t stand my ground with the in-laws x
Very odd behaviour. You are absolutely NOT being over-sensitive in any way. You don’t need to explain yourself to her as to why you do or don’t want to do something. You’re the mum and it’s your choice. I would say to her that you will not be leaving the baby alone any time soon and if she doesn’t respect that and continues to push it then you won’t go over there. If she can’t respect boundaries then I would limit contact.
Why do MILs think they can just take the baby like it’s theirs?? You’re not being overly sensitive and I honestly wouldn’t even let her be alone with the baby ever acting like that
Very strange behaviour. If she was offering to take him while you two went out to have some time together that would be a bit different but it definitely sounds like she just wants to be alone with him, very weird. Absolutely not being too sensitive, if it were me I'd probably stop her seeing my child altogether until she stopped but I can understand that puts you in a difficult position. Glad your partner is supportive!
you’re definitely not being too sensitive. he is too young, and EBF to be left alone with anyone. and regardless of age i find people pushing to do anything with baby alone, extremely concerning xx
My LB is two and still hasn't been left alone with anyone 😂 he doesn't need to be. Your LO definitely doesn't need to be he's so new still. Stick to your guns and don't let her pressure you.
I'd be concerned that she's a creep. There's no reason for your child to be left alone with her. 1) she's a creep 2) she wants to DNA test your infant
This is a red flag. 🚩 Do not, under any circumstances leave your child alone with somebody that wants to be alone with them that bad. Anything they have to say or do with your child, they can do or say with you there. Trust your intuition.
Thank you all! It’s nice to feel validated in my feelings and I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking this way. She will defiantly not be left alone with him 🤍🤍
My little one is also 10 weeks old & is combi fed. The longest I’ve left her is for an hour with MY mum. I wouldn’t give her to my MIL at all alone at this age, especially if she was EBF!! It’s weird that she’s expecting to have him alone so early on. What on earth would she do if he needed feeding & you weren’t there? Just doesn’t make sense