Hydrate, power pump, pump every 2hrs for 15-20min, oats, supplements, coconut water, liquid IV, nuts, healthy fats
how much are you producing? babies don't usually need more than 4oz of breastmilk at a time as your milk changes to have more fats as they grow. But the best way to increase supply is to increase demand, so empty your breasts more often either by latching baby or pumping. Stay hydrated and eat plenty! good luck ❤️
I am producing about 80ml but was producing 120ml (4oz) each side!
@Trinity thanks 😊 I am a little unsure how to navigate the pumping every two hours as I barely have enough for her to feed as it is. Is it ok to just pump after every feed?
That’s fine. But wait 30-60min after feeding to pump. Make sure you’re using the right flange size and pump spray
A lot of mums think they have a low supply but often it’s not the case at all and it is just the supply settling as baby gets older. Have a look at this article from a lactation consultant x https://www.emmapickettbreastfeedingsupport.com/blog/low-milk-supply-101
you could also keep her on the breast 10-15 minutes longer even if youre empty if she will tolerate it. Dry feeding or pumping signals the body to produce more
Check babys latch is good, perhaps try a different position if she's struggling. As your supply and her weight are both dropping that kind of signals that your breasts are not being emptied (hence mentioning latch! The same would apply to flange size if pumping - it makes a HUGE difference to how efficient the pump is and the size can change over time so check every so often). Other than that, plenty of water and food! Oats are meant to be amazing for supply too 😊
@Laci I have tried keeping her on as long as pods bke but she gets frustrated and keeps unlatching and latching again x
@Melissa that is what I thought it was but sadly she has barely gained any weight in the last 10 weeks!
To add to @Trinity comment. Pumping after a feed is sending a signal to your body that it needs to produce more. Make sure you're also eating. Not just snacking but meals. You need the calories to produce and feed. Also, not sure how old your lo is (if you mention it sorry!) but try and do contact napping or skin to skin. When pumping (this helped me when my supply dropped) look at your baby or photos of them. Something about this helps your brain destress, or something of that sort.I remember reading about it when I was looking to up my supply. Good luck mama!
Legendary milk supplements i recommend liquid gold Coconut water Body armor Lots and lots of water Protein and eating in general Latching baby even if just for a minute helps too your babies saliva sends signals to the brain to produce more and adjusts it to what they need
Coconut water , oatmeal !