What day are your stitches due out? Or are they dissolvable? I've had 2 c sections and like the other poster, been told to wash gently in the shower with just water and then pat dry. Or wipe along the wound with warm water on a cotton pad. No soaps. And at this stage you shouldn't be needing a pad (are you sure they didn't mean for your other bleeding?) as it should be getting some air. If you're concerned, you can contact your hospital triage or labour ward (they might be easier to see than getting a GP apt) but a GP or nurse at the doctors can also check it for you. X
If it’s oozing ring up your practice nurse at GP to check, you might need some antibiotics, I had the same and they put me on some but it was red too. I phoned and said think it might be infected and they got me seen same day. Should only use water to clean and pat dry with something clean. After a shower try and lay down and let it air for 10 mins or so if you’re able to. It’s a moisture haven which can prolong healing. I’ve been told you can put a pad there to help with moisture issues if that’s what’s happening. You can use cotton pads the ones where the fluff doesn’t come away and out that on the scar too to help it dry out. X
I've had 2 sections and both times they told me the same. Only water for few weeks. No soap for few weeks. No scrubbing ir rubbing. Oat dry after shower. They took the dressing off 5 days after the section. And it has not been covered since. I was told I could called maternity assessment centre up to 6 weeks pp.