Please tell me I’m not the only one?

Baby will be 10 months on Tuesday. He is not interested in solids one bit. I was hoping he would be eating 3 meals a day & cutting back on his milk by now. I’m lucky if I get him to eat 3 spoonfuls a day. This has been ongoing since he turned 6 months. We have the nursery nurse coming on Thursday to give us advice. Just want to see if anyone else is having this issue?
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I wouldn't worry too much just yet as food is just for fun until they are one x

Have you tried fingers foods?

Hey, been there! My LO is 16 months now. I really didn’t see much of a pick up in solids until after 1. Keep offering finger foods, use toys etc as ‘distractions’ sometimes it’s just more the anxiety around food. Just keep persevering and you’ll get there but I know how you feel! We now are doing so much better on the solids front, but my daughter still relied on milk 3 times a day up until 3 weeks ago!

@Cat yes we do BLW & purées

@Hannah mine was the same, we didn’t turn a corner until he turned 11 months. He’s 12 months now and we’re on 3 meals a day but still struggling with trying to get him to drink water so he still has a lot of boob to make sure he’s hydrated

I wouldn’t worry too much, my little one didnt really fully eat solids until after a year. I started him on solids at around 6 montjs old and then he just became not interested, hes 20 months now and we still have days where he isnt interested and would rather eat porridge 😂

Don't worry too much he is getting all the nutrients and vitamins he needs from his milk. It's all about exploring. Try different options and don't pressure or push 🥰

My son was the same, he’s 16 months now and we’re up to 2 meals a day, breakfast is still a no go and he still has 3 8oz bottles of milk a day. It’s not a sensory thing, he’s happy to play with it, he just won’t put it in his mouth, so frustrating! Nursery has helped loads, being with other kids while they eat and trying new foods etc xx

My LO was the same. She had zero interest for such a long time when my friends’ babies were all eating 3 meals a day. I was so worried but had no need to be. She got there eventually and now is an amazing eater (2.5 years now). She only really upped her solids when I stopped giving her as much breast milk.

@lena can i please ask how you stopped giving her so much milk? Mine is not getting interested in solids too much she is 14 months old, and I would like to give her less breast and increase the solids, but it's really hard as she finds comfort while teething.

@Bianca I exclusively pumped so I just decreased the amount of milk I gave her/spread the milk feeds out more so offered her the solids first and milk after. I decreased my pumps so once she had finished the freezer stash at 16 months that was the end of the breastmilk so she then must have realised like okay I guess this is what I’m eating now! She still had cows milk in bottles till recently so she was still having milk but it wasn’t breastmilk. But exclusively pumping is different from feeding from the breast if your little one is eating for comfort that must be harder to then decrease the feeds.

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