Looks like ringworm .. you can get over the counter creams if that doesn’t work phone the gp ☺️ x
@Kelly-Louise I thought this too (I put my google Dr hat on) but wanted to sense check with other mums! Xx
@Emma I remember my oldest had it when he was a baby and I caught it off him as we co slept a little in the morning and I had it at the back of my ear 🙄! Only why im pretty sure 😂 xx
This is eczema there are 7 types of eczema 1 looks like above
Nummular eczema
Would recommend moisturising several times a day with cetraben, especially before and then immediately after they get out of the pool when swimming. I’d also see the GP just in case it spreads more
Looks like eczema my GP prescribed Epiderm emollient and it's been amazing
I went to the gp for this same thing on Friday cetraben ointment and hydrocortisone steroid cream was prescribed which we have started using ,hopefully it works he’s got at the back of his neck and his back xx