Reduced feeds

On thursday my 7month old got a sickness bug, took him to a&e thursday night because the vomiting was crazy along with only having 10oz the whole day, were on day 3 now the sickness has stopped but he hasnt increased his feeds, he is on 14oz for the whole day! He usually has about 35oz He has dropped from 17lbs 8 to 17lbs 6 in the space of 24 hours, when would you recommend going back to the doctors?
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Slightly different situation, but my little girl recently had bronchiolitis and her intake gradually reduced each day until we were averaging 10-15oz, she also had a very upset tummy from the antibiotics she was put on and was having 4-6 watery nappies a day. We did end up in A&E as she was struggling with her breathing, I was very concerned about her fluid intake and that she’d become dehydrated if it continued so wanted some guidance on how much fluid she ‘needed’. The doctors there told me that as long as she was having at least 1 wet nappy every 6 hours and wasn’t becoming lethargic that she would be fine on that amount of fluid for a few days and they wouldn’t do anything xx

If you are personally concerned and he is having a reduced fluid intake and reduced wet nappies then there is no harm in getting him checked out again x

Thank you both! He has slightly upped his feeds but the doctors are going to review him again on wednesday just to make sure hes not losing anymore weight!

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