I’m legit going through this exact same thing and me and my spouse argue so often cause I said after 7pm but I’ve literally found myself sitting in the house 24/8 trying to get a schedule. It’s so lonely I’m a SAHM also but I do own a business but I’ve slowed down tremendously. I also made a post and ppl are saying I have PPD and I’m like ohhhh goodness lol I thought this was just in my head lol my baby just turned 14 months 3 days ago
Same here!!! Literally haven’t left the house to do nothing for me and money is tight so not a chance and routine is everything so doing something is out the window and she is used to me so it’s sucks all the way around and same here she doesn’t sleep through the night people kept telling me it gets better when they start to get older it’s been almost 14 months I haven’t seen better yet
@Elena we were starting bedtime routine at 6 as well, and she was going down easy around 7 but it keeps getting mixed up bc she wakes up in the night and won’t go back to sleep for 2-3 hours 😭 it feels impossible to figure out the perfect balance for our routine!
@Ten I understand completely. I would say I also struggle with PPD, even this far in. I think a lot of people (including myself) assumed that by now we’ve got it figured out and are back to our normal selves… but that is very much not the case for me lol
My baby boy used be a great sleeper, but is now also 13 months and the separation anxiety turned sleep regression is so real it makes me not want to do anything because I’m so emotionally and physically drained. I used to drop whatever I was doing and go hang with friends and now I feel like I don’t really have friends anymore. It’s so hard at this age to bring them to anyone else that isn’t baby proof. My boy is so active and into everything I wouldn’t have a moment to sit if I brought him to someone else’s house that isn’t baby proof, and plus routine is so important right now to help with those sleep regressions that I also feel like after dinner time we are in for the night and that is it.
@Naomi I have been feeling the same way. I’d love to bring my daughter over to my friend’s or to stay with family, but yes they’d have to completely baby proof or else it’d be constantly moving her away from things and then tantrums. It is so draining. I stress all day long about making sure we’re back home by a certain time to not throw off her nap or bedtime routine. I wish I could take her out and she’d nap wherever we are, but that’s impossible
Yes!! My son did this for a week straight and I was exhausted! And of course it happened when my husband was out of town. We recently cut out his night feeding, but made the mistake to use a sippy cup that isn’t a straw, so he just made the sippy cup his new bottle..then he started waking up for that 2-3 times a night. So I switched to a straw one and he’s sleeping from 7pm until 5ish then I give him milk out of his sippy cup and he lays back down until 7-8:30ish. I learned that it’s better for me not to take him out of his crib, it wakes him up more and makes him more upset when I put him back in. So I change his diaper and give him his sippy all inside of the crib. He also all of the sudden hates sleeping in the dark..I’ve recently learned he wants a night light so I leave on a dull red one (I hear red is best for their eyes to help them not fully wake up during the night).
@Elena so glad you were able to figure out what works best for him! I think my daughter dislikes the dark as well, would you mind posting the red night light that you use? I need to get one for sure
I legit just made a post asking about a certain way I felt and everyone said it’s PPD.. and I’m like omg I had no idea. I just thought this was something new that moms felt. So I guess we are all just going through the motion
Of course!! It’s a sound machine and has a bunch of different colors but I use the red! https://www.amazon.com/ColorsNoise-Machine-Soothing-Function-T-Black/dp/B09GK8N6HV?pd_rd_w=xE8f0&content-id=amzn1.sym.8316a2b5-cd70-46ae-8cd3-b6d53778915d&pf_rd_p=8316a2b5-cd70-46ae-8cd3-b6d53778915d&pf_rd_r=XBN2S8HTH9QWEWJXXSJY&pd_rd_wg=T87hH&pd_rd_r=711fe071-5483-42c5-b129-16b6255a84d7&pd_rd_i=B09GK8N6HV&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_1_nped_cp_sc
I get it my daughter will not sleep anywhere else unless she is home with her parents and it has to be both parents so we typically don’t leave past 6 o’clock at night
Girl I’m in the exact same boat. I’m half Mexican so I thought we would have a baby that would sleep anywhere and sleep through loud noises..NOPE routine is crucial and he will only sleep in his room with a sound machine. We start bedtime routine at 6 and he’s down by 7/7:30. It’s extremely lonely and I know how you feel. We’ve tried doing things outside the routine and it screws everything up. My son is still waking up once a night too..