Active labor?

Last night at about 00:30 I went for a wee and then noticed like a secondary dribble of liquid that felt different. I then checked and the inside of my vagina was wet - like watery. I should mention this was after a relatively painless contraction. I’m 38 + 5 days pregnant. I’ve since been woken up twice with painful contractions that last around 45 seconds. So far none have been close together. Should I be going to triage to be checked or shall I just continue as normal until the contractions are closer together. The amount of liquid if it was my waters leaking was an incredibly small amount. This is mainly so I can decide whether I need to ask my partner to stay off work today just in case !! Thank you :)
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I would say go to L&D it sounds like you close to having your LO soon

I was the exact same way and baby came the next day. I'd continue to labor at home but call if contractions are closer together. Mine didn't feel close at all and were very mild but I suspected my water had broken so I went in and was already 5cm and fully effaced 😂

I would call maternity triage and let them know. They likely don't want you in straight away, but will tell you when you should come

And yes I reckon partner needs to stay off work!

It might be worth calling them and just asking to check if your waters have gone as well x

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