Baby is a boob snacker. Help!

Edit: We're now at TEN months breastfeeding and it's wild to look back at this post and all the wonderful comments, suggestions and stories. I have a perspective now that every baby is different and frequent nursing is so, so normal (especially early on)! I have loved breastfeeding my baby girl - and we've had our share of challenges (mastitis, clogged ducts, recurring thrush) but nursing is not only a part of every day but something I also still need and look forward to. Just a special little time with my girl. Good luck to all nursing mamas here and thank you all for the support!! Original post: Trying to space out feedings, my 3.5mo breastfeeds often (like every 1.5hrs) during the day and I'd like for her to eat more, less frequently. She tends to fall asleep or just pop off. Seems to drink more ounces from bottle. I'm not really into aggressive sleep or feed training but would love some tips. We breastfeed 90% of the time. Nights are not an issue. Edit: no, that's not her latch, just a poorly timed photo. Also not trying to institute a training regimen...just curious for little tips. Also the 4mo sleep regression just hit...we're back to every 2-3 hours at night!
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She may be cluster feeding. Unfortunately we’re at their beck and call when we feed on demand.

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She did cluster feeding when she was younger, this seems different. How do you go about transitioning from on demand feeding?

Same, my 14 month old is still nursing 8 times a day.

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We like to say that she takes “sips”.

Yes lol. I'm just the milk fountain...here for whenever she gets thirsty! 🤣

My 16 monther latches about 20 times a day....she grazes....its good for boobies...nursing isnt always for hunger...sometimes just for hugs or closeness or needing to suck...savor your cuddles...

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I do love them. Wouldn't bother me in the slightest but I work from home and it is hard when she's running the show

My son did this too and it was so tiring, he nursed that much for several months. I’m pregnant again and plan to keep the baby up while feeding! Tickle her toes or unwrap her, change her diaper midfeed so she drinks enough before falling asleep. I’m going to try this with baby number two.

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Will do!

Not being weird but I’m so jealous your boobs have no stretch marks on them

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Aw 😅 not the case with my butt! Lol

Babies also nurse for comfort.

Mine did the same! He’s still a snacker lol. I had to give him bottles before bed so I knew he would have a full tank 😬

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Good idea :)

We also did this for a period of time, but unfortunately she would fall asleep on the bottle too after an ounce or two lol

My son is 10 months old and just now started eating every 3-4 hours

That is pretty normal, especially for that age. Also, you can do little tricks to keep baby awake if you think they are not finishing a feed before falling asleep. You can tickle/play with their feet. Use a cool rag on face(cheek/forehead). But every 2 hours, give or take is pretty average.

My 8 moth old still nurses every two hours like clockwork 😅 but it keeps my milk supply up and she's a naturally lanky slim baby so I like that she's eating often.

Boobies!! Lol

I am in the same boat with my 3 1/2 month old, he does great with a bottle but on me he gets lazy and snacks all day. I'm returning to work on Wednesday 😭 and am so worried my supply will be gone w/in the week. Im thinking of pumping exclusively since he will eat a good 5-6 ounces and eat less often... Good luck!!!

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They get lazy once on a bottle so it’s advised not to combo feed

Good luck to you too. It's hard to juggle.

We have been working with our baby on exactly the same thing. I love cuddling with and breastfeeding my little girl, but it was getting to the point that it was affecting her nighttime sleep and the intervals between feedings were like every 30 minutes (mine won't take a bottle so it has to be me that wakes up every time). I started stretching out her feeds starting at 2 hours and upping it 15 minutes every couple of days. I just try to distract her, go for walks, etc. I'm up to every 3 hours now but it has a little hellish for a few days. Also try to get baby to eat on 10 minutes each side and encourage longer naps to fill the gaps.

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That's really interesting. Yes we struggle a bit with the bottle... usually if I'm around or she's already fussy it doesn't go over well. I'll try the distraction to stretch it out!

Same with my 3 1/2 month old. Every 1.5-2 hours and same at night. I know it’s still “normal” but by three months the usually they go longer than two hours! Or atleast my first one did!

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My mom told me she had all her kids eating every 4 hours by 3 months and I legit wept. So sleep deprived. 😂😴

I bet she's remembering it differently than it happened 😅

It helped me that I exclusively pumped for the first 3 months. Then reintroduced breast feeding. That got my son used to eating more ounces in one feeding and spacing out his feedings further apart. So now when I nurse him he still looks for the full amount he normally drinks and it will usually hold him at least 3 hours.

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So happy to see it's not just us, my 3.5 month old also feeds every hour to 2 hours, 😴 she wont take expressed milk in a bottle either (if anyone has any advice on that please comment) Hang in there mums 🤗

5 replies

Mine is picky about taking pumped milk (frozen then thawed) in the bottle too.

Breastfeeding is a full time job. Both my babygirls were the same way! <3

I’ve nursed my son for 19 months and even at a year he would snack if I let him. I’ve been weaning him because I’m starting school really soon and also feel ready. It helped me to not sit in certain places with him - that “special” corner of the couch or rocker. Both for him not to think it’s time to nurse and for me not to go other my easy way of comforting him. **Try a new activity - reading a book, playing with a rattle or teether to help prolong in between feeds. When they fall asleep, change their diaper or wake them up and try to make them nurse longer. I never really pushed this earlier than 1 year because we didn’t really have to and I wanted my supply to match whatever growth spurt he was going through. But everyone’s situation is different and I commend you for seeking some advice 💕 just remember everyone’s journey is different and that’s okay! Good luck.

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Good tips! Thank you!

Going for walks is another one! Especially in the morning. All this gets even easier once they have some solids.

Just a note also. On demand is good if you can do it because it also helps keep your supply up for the needs of your baby. Your breastfed baby willnot overeat, they are very smart and are helping your body know what your baby needs...all baby/ mother relationships/bonds are unique.

Honestly? Jiggle your boob when LO starts drifting off a, keep doing that until the jiggling doesn’t wake up your little one anymore and they should be more sated for longer! lol it worked for my sons!!

It’s her age she will start eating more and less often her stomach is still very small

My first was the same. Also used the boob for comfort as he did not take a pacifier .. it was a long year but it got better as we went along. You are doing great.

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Thank you! Still Loving it all!

No pacifier for my little guy either. I never really put that together - but it’s true!

This is my child as well. I struggled with it, was worried he wasn’t getting enough, was tired of such frequent feedings. It passed though. What helped me through was a book called, “The Baby Book”. I read about cue feeding and the benefits of not putting your baby on a schedule. Here’s a website that does a good job explaining it 👉 https://www.parentingscience.com/breastfeeding-on-demand.html Stay patient, mama! You’re doing a great job!!

She's probably cluster feeding and make sure to keep her stimulated during day feedings and so that way at night she can get used to it and eat longer

Have you tried to burp her when she starts to doze off? 90%, of the time my little one dozes off he just has a gas bubble and needs to burp, then he wakes up and continues eating.

1 reply

Interesting, I haven't tried this. Will do!

My son was doing this. His doctor said to try to slowly space them out. Start with adding an extra 15 minutes between feedings if you can and then slowly build up. My son started eating more and farther apart pretty quickly. Good luck!

I had a premie, and wanted to breastfeed so bad. For the first 2 months I struggled with pumping then I was finally able to get her to latch with a nipple shield. A month later we were ableto latch without. I had to return to work, when I did I pumped so she could bottle feed and nursed at home. But she was eating all the time. When I was home she was almost always on the boob. I was so concerned she wasnt getting enough when I was home but I knew she was getting what she needed at daycare. I would not have made it to a year if it wasnt for this support group on Fb called breastfeeding mommas. There are so many mommas in that group that have helpful suggestions and so much support. They told me if I was concerned with her intake when nursing, to do weighed feedings. Get an oz Scale and weigh baby before nursing and again after. That will show you what baby is taking in. It is such a great group that can answer questions and you can find other mommas going through the problems you are facing.

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Mom groups are the best and so necessary!!!

Totally normal and annoying. They do that during a growth spurt. It will pass. You got this!

Every hour and a half from start of the feed? if so that is completely normal. Babies tend to drink more milk from bottles because the speed is much faster and in many cases its a sink or swim concept. (swallow or choke on the milk from the bottle). 4 months is a very common distraction age. You could try babywearing during the day or even try nursing in a quiet place to see if that helps with the distraction. My oldest ate every hour and a half on the dot from start of a feed to the start. (didnt matter if that first feed lasted an hour... 30 mins later she needed to eat.) Breastmilk just digested quicker than formula. Also remember the more baby nurses the better your supply will be.

It might be worth talking to a lactation consultant to make sure your baby is latching and transferring milk well. Also, keeping your baby awake during a feeding will help make sure they get a better feed and go longer between feeds.

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Mine used to do it too, now she is 4.5 months and breastfeeds less often, every 2-3 hours, 4 in the evening.

My son did the same at that age. What I did is to move each feeding 10-15 minutes later. He started also with 1.5 hours. Then we moved to 1hour and 45 minutes for 3-5 days. Then to 2 hours and stayed for a week there. We continued like that till hiss feedings were around 3 hours apart +/-15 minutes. Of course I was watching him when he gets used to new hours and ready to move again . Did work for us. Although, I had to distract him from asking to be fed some days.

Babe and I are going through this now also at 3 weeks old! Just had a consult with lactation therapy at my hospital and we got a few tips: •only let baby stay on the breast while she is making long, deep sucks •if she seems to be falling asleep or losing interest, try burping her, rubbing her back/arms, talking to her, gently blowing on her face, etc to get her attention again •if none of those work, try taking her off, waking her up a little, and putting her on the opposite side You can also try starting after changing her skin-to-skin to keep her cooler (therefore more awake) and to stimulate your milk production. Hope some of these help you! 💕

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Very helpful thread!! Thank you all! My 4 week old is at 2 hour feedings and sometimes sleeps 4 hours at night or during the day. She was feeding for an hour at a time - I switch boobs but still it’s not equal time. Some times it’s 40/20 or 45 total. Baby Daybook is the best app for keeping track of feedings, dirty diapers, sleeping, pumping and more!

Completely normal for that age/stage. 2 of my 3 kids did this exact same thing too (one of them was every 20-30 min!). Try not to let them go to sleep (tickle the feet, gently rub their cheeks, etc.) just to keep them up a lil bit longer! It’ll pass soon.

My baby girl did the same thing. Cluster feeding when a growth spurt is on it's way.

1 reply

The growth spurt has definitely arrived today 😅💪

I don’t have any advice other than what everyone else has said but I feel for you!! My first did this and it drove me nuts! I called her my littler grazer. Hang in there! When I went back to work it got better because then I had to pump and she would take the bottle.

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Yup, I guess I did it as a baby and still have similar eating habits to this day!

Breastfed on demand. A baby nurses for more than milk, they nurse for comfort and building supply. If your baby wants milk, give it to them. Don't postpone feedings because of hours. Breastfed Babies drink all of the time, it is normal. Especially during a growth spurt.

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Yes totally agree with this my son is 10 months and is on demand still it was every 1hr to start now it’s about every 1-3hr depending on his mood. When he is cutting his teeth it feels like more often for his comfort

I am in the same boat with my 5mo. I will say they are so much more efficient at the boob so I doesnt mean they are drinking less then a bottle. They get the milk out quicker then a bottle. My daughter has just started spacing out some feedings, she still doesnt sleep well though.

Unfortunately babies have tiny stomachs and breast milk is digested quickly so nursing a little and often is the norm. But theres some good advice above on how to prolong each feeding. Mostly just here to say your not alone in being frustrated in being stuck to a baby all the time. 💕😜

Totally normal 🙂 roll with it

Honestly this is pretty normal. My son did the same. When he’s fall asleep I’d nudge him a little and move him around.

Their stomachs are so tiny still at this age so a little bit to us is plenty for them. Hence why they wake up several times a night to feed :) they don’t stay full for long!

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I guess I'm most interested by the fact that babes I know of a similar age who are mostly bottle fed will take much more and go longer in between

Are you just breastfeeding or are you pumping and giving bottles?

If you have Facebook I highly recommend joining the group Milky Mamas Breastfeeding Support. There’s lots of helpful info in there and lots of knowledgeable ladies!

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This is total normal behavior! If you try to spread out meals your supply may drop and baby may lose out on nutrients. You daughter may be in a developmental leap or growth spurt. Do you have the wonder weeks app

2 replies

I second this!! I have wonder weeks and my LO comfort nurses a lot during leaps

Exactly what I was going to say, very possibly a growth spurt.

I would talk to a lactation consultant. Every baby is different. If it is causing issues for you, I would try offering the bottle with pumped milk. It makes it hard to do anything when they nurse so frequently. I also recommend getting a timer and recording the time they nurse and how long. As they get older they do nurse less. Lactation consultant will be able to tell you if latch needs to be adjusted etc.

It's totally normal! Babies only eat to about 67% full. Also it's Great for your milk supply. But, if baby falls asleep you can always undress babes to wake them up or tickle their foot with your finger to encourage them to continue nursing. Hope this helps!

Yeah its comforting to them. My opinion- Don’t discourage. Later on when shes teething you’ll always have a foolproof way to comfort her. Its saved me!

Babies digest breast milk quicker than formula which is why they feed more frequently too!

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