I would just tell them, hey this pregnancy is kicking my ass & I need some help. No one will speak up for you, if you don’t do it. Be your own advocate & don’t let anyone treat you wrong. Boundaries 🙏🏽 please take care of yourself and rest when possible. Good luck. 👍🏽
@Melissa but they can clearly see she’s going through a lot she’s passing out out work and overly exhausted us pregnant women shouldn’t have to come out and say anything because we are supposed to get treated right from the jump I shouldn’t have to tell you hey you see my big ass belly bump im exhausted treat me right no! That’s the problem these days people really don’t respect pregnant women and it shows.
@Antiajah😝💕✨ yes, I believe people just don’t respect anyone else these days. I realize we “shouldn’t have to” say something, that doesn’t mean we don’t. I say Speak up and communicate, if they don’t comply, then do something to help yourself. My first pregnancy was extremely difficult for me, I was so sick first trimester. Take care. 🙏🏽
You are so strong momma. Would definitely recommend asking your doctor to put restrictions. I was the same way during my last pregnancy. Most people don’t understand how hard different pregnancies can be on our bodies. Sending lots of hugs to you.❤️
I’m currently still in my pajamas at 4:20 pm and so tired and nauseous and I’m almost 14 weeks. My husband is managing our 1 year old
People will never understand what us mothers go through until they experience it! Ignore the negativity you know your body you know what ur going through if you passing out at work wasn’t good enough for them to know your body is overwhelmed and tired then they are sick as hell in the head and clearly don’t care about your health!