Just take him out asleep. Take a bottle/boob and nappies with you, and if he wakes up, then feed and change. Most babies sleep more when out, I used to go shopping for hours and alsorts. Newborns wake Windows are the easiest, just pop to Costa and change and feed and have a coffee at the same time! Once you figure out going out, your life opens up, trust me. You just have to be brave and go for it!
Pack everything you need in advance - the night before. Babies that young will generally sleep on the go, they can sleep in the car seat or pram.
Oh I have a nappy bag ready to go, includes a couple of nappies, wipes, creams, a changing mat. Change of clothes, burp cloths, bibs, and I have a cooler bag that fits a bottle ice pack, I prep a couple of bottles of expressed milk, and my medela manual pump. Baby will sleep for most of the trip, but when she needs anything we'll have it on hand
@swathy I've gone on short walks / drives around the neighbourhood but she always seems to just end up crying herself to sleep and wakes up after 10-15mins only and never has a full nap 🫠 should I just try powering on? 😵💫 we had her Vaccinations done yesterday and we were out of the house for 3hrs in total and she only slept for 15mins 😱
@Dominique i feel my baby is always awake when we are out of the house and has trouble sleeping - should I just try going out more frequently so she learns to sleep on the go? 🤔
When he was newborn he would just sleep anywhere and on the go. To get out of the house I would pre prepare, back the bag night before with everything I could, lay clothes out etc x
@ incog - my baby is only 11 days old 😅 but yeah just keep going, baby will have to get used to outings at some point
I do however check baby facilities of the place I'm going beforehand. The shopping center I went to the other day has a whole baby feeding area and changing area with bottle warmers and lots of privacy. If there isn't a bottle warmer available, I bring a flask with boiling water and a thermos cup that fits my bottles
Ditch the wake windows or you’ll drive yourself mental like I did with my first. I’m just letting things flow naturally with my second baby and it’s MUCH easier to go out
Have everything you need for the day ready in their bag to go. When they’re newborn it’s probably the easiest to navigate as they do sleep a lot and for longer when out and about xxx
We had a semi blowout before leaving the car 😭 first spare vest is gone now lol
From day 5 till 3 months old I was with my son out from 9am till 7pm they are the easiest kids to be out with they sleep anywhere, you have food on you and all you need to take is change of cloths and few nappies.
I took my baby in car seat when he was newborn. Newborns sleep a lot so he slept during car rides. They don't need to have their 'nap in crib or bassinet they can nap in car seat or stroller when out for walks.