@Jess it’s so difficult isn’t it. I’m hoping this is something he grows out of because I’m a FTM and don’t have a clue 😂
We're going through this too. Mine is nearly 12 weeks, hates her hands being covered up and constantly shoves her whole fist in her mouth. She keeps doing it through the night and gets stressed. I think it's a self soothing thing but also maybe they're working out some hand coordination. I'm hoping it's just something we have to ride through
Week 13 and the exact same 😅😭
Mine is exactly the same, although he did have a settled night after a few very fussy nights. I downloaded the wonder weeks app to learn more and it seems to be a learning leap where they’re learning about their hands and some hand co-ordination, it should settle soon!
@Louise oh definitely something they grow out of, she will be learning to roll next and that'll be the next phase keeping you both up at night 🤣. There's always something with these little monkeys.
Mine does this. I either hold his hands down in the cot till he fully settles or co sleep so I can hold his hands down 😂
Mine literally just went from sleeping 12h to going down at 1am and waking up at 3:30 and 8:00
@Emma Clarke I’ve tried this but because he does it so often I’m like I can’t I’m so tired 😴
@Chloe we are all living the same life 😴💤
@Louise I feel you! That's why I sometimes just bring him in to bed because at least I get to sleep then. The other thing I do is cover my head with a pillow so it muffles the sounds 😂
Mine is same age and doing the same. I think it might be a growth spurt and had a couple days of it. But last night she went down easily and slept through!
I wiggle her legs a bit and it soothes her
My boys the same but I’ve been putting him in those sleep suits with built in mittens so when he’s asleep I sneakily put them over his fingers, if he does wake up he’s usually chomping on the “mitten” rather than his fingers x
Mine is 11 weeks and doing the exact same thing!