Solidarity @Cerian !! Glad to hear it’s getting better
Same as above. I broke my shoulder a few weeks back and partner had to do it all and for a couple of weeks he actually seemed to prefer him (honestly, a nice change). Since getting back to the routine, he is again crying unconsolably when I want to, say, go for a poop alone. However, my partner has kept doing most bedtimes and bedtime is actually OK for us. He did cry originally loads after I broke my arm, but within 3/4 days he knew that was the new normal and accepted it. We'll see how it goes now that I will have to do 3xweek again...
This is us! I do bedtime, nap time and all the wakings and my boy will be so very sad if Daddy tries to settle him to sleep. It only seems to work if I’m completely out the house. I guess I’ve never persevered enough though and we stick with what works and I soak up the cuddles!
@Rachel that’s comforting that he settles if you’re out of the house! I’m going away for a few nights soon and I’ve been worried about it!
@Natalie same for us, if I'm not there, daddy becomes her number 1 and most of the time they're absolutely fine, she just might ask for me every now and then but accepts I'm not there. I just don't think she can divide her emotional attention between us when together so it's all mummy.
We've had strong parental preference since about 14 months perhaps, she didn't want her dad to hug her, do anything for her, feed her, change her, do bedtime. It was exhausting and affected our relationship causing disagreements in how to deal with it. When we all have time off together she is better, but back to normal working week and she strongly prefers me again, even though he does bathtime every night and helps with bedtime. She has got a bit better last few weeks. In the mornings she calls for me and if my husband goes in she cries. She gets a bit upset when he sits in the chair to do bedtime but has got better by telling her in the lead up to bedtime daddy will do books and bed to prepare her and settles quicker