I have tried both after 4 months I have given up breastfeeding/expressing. For my LO it was the same regardless what we did x
@Aislinn how did you give up without becoming engorged pls?
How much reflux is it? Do you keep your baby upright after feeding? I found this video helpful to know that some spit-up is normal. As long as your baby is healthy and gaining weight and not uncomfortable, I wouldn’t worry! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7_bwd5ik1W/?igsh=MWttNjM3YXloZjZmcw==
@Charley defo gaining weight but does grunt a lot. It’s projectile, we keep her upright and burp
My son was given gaviscon then omeprizole then carobel. The carobel has been a god send!!! It thickens up formula and prevents it coming back up. It’s the o my thing that has helped us x
@BromMama do you pump at all? Xx
@Charley yes I pump between 12-4am for her last night time bottle
@BromMama I just took out a feed/expressing session until I got down to one a day, as it is a slower process than just stopping your brain relaises that you do not need as much milk, so will not make as much, so you don't feel too sore. I've done this with my 1st and my 2nd baby and didn't get engorgement x
I personally can’t see how formula would be better than bf with regards to reflux but maybe reach out to your health visitor for advice? It sounds like you want to switch over anyway so you’ve got to do what works best for yourself and baby but I would think that human milk would suit baby better than cows milk (formula)
I can’t think of any reason why formula should be better besides your relief. Breastmilk is the healthiest option for the baby, it also adjusts to the babies needs. You cannot be not compatible. Formula is harder to digest and changes the gut flora. It also does not guarantee a schedule. Reflux often gets better over time when the muscles get stronger. Different feeding positions could help, lefax or similar to reduce gas, stop eating diary or gluten for a while….
Personally don’t think you’ll see a huge improvement from changing over unless you maybe tried a comfort formula you might see abit of relief. My little boy was breastfeeding and we was having awful troubles with feeding, we was told it was CMPA and put on prescription formula saw no change, we then found out he has silent reflux and moved him to cow and gate comfort as well as Gaviscon as my milk had dried up by this point. The Gaviscon seems to be helping us. It might be worth speaking to your DR again and explaining the gaviscon alone isn’t working they will have other options for you! I hope you find a solution that works for you soon xx
I think tbh formula can potentially actually make reflux a little worse as it’s thicker - our boy had reflux quite bad until recently and I noticed it was worse after his night time (often formula) bottle. I started drinking 2-3 cups of fennel tea a day including overnight as i read it helped with reflux while breast feeding. It could be because our boy has outgrown the reflux and total coincidence but his is much better now. Still get more spit up on formula.. you can get special formula I think though?
I have no answers, but I’m in the same situation and questioning whether to try formula. So following to see the responses!