i need some serious advice! my son stays up basically ALLLL night. last night he woke up around 11:30 pm and didn’t go back to sleep until 7 AM! now i put him to bed tonight around 8:30-9 and he slept until 10:45-11:20 ish and here it is 4:21 am and he’s STILL awake. he takes 1 nap during the day. and that’s at 1 PM and he sleeps still maybe 2:30, 3 pm at the latest. i rub him down with the sleepy time lotion, he gets a nice warm bath. but still he wants to stay up all night. i can’t keep staying up all night like this because it makes it hard to stay up during the day with him. i need some advice.. like asap pleaseeeee i am one tired mama. (for some help, he turns one jan 27th)..
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How many total hours sleep does he have on average everyday? There’s a few things I’d do once you work out his total sleep needs. Wake him for the day at the same time everyday. So let’s say it’s 7am. Get him ready for the day, play, eat breakfast etc. it anchors the day and keeps a better schedule. It’ll be hard the first few days but he should get into the routine within 5 days ish. What it seems is that “bed time” for him is so very long. 8pm bed then 11am is when he’s waking for the day. I know he’s awake for hours in between but it seems like you’re still classing it as night sleep. What do you do when he’s waking at night for so long? Let’s say he sleeps 13 hours a day total (naps and night sleep) you can then work out what you want his schedule to look like. Let’s say an 11 hour night and a 2 hour day nap. Make sure your wake window before bed is long enough to make him tired. I’d wake him up the same time everyday for at least a week to get him to adjust.

Has he just started nursery ? Has something changed his day time routine perhaps? Xxx

Let me know what his total sleep needs are and a little more about his schedule. Let’s see if we can get a rough trial schedule in place to help him. Honestly, babies and toddlers shouldn’t be up that long at night as they do get tired and need sleep so I’m thinking something is off with his schedule or maybe he’s super low sleep needs and you’ll need to work around that x

@Emma you didn't read it properly. She said he is waking up at 11pm, not 11am.

Hiya, I honestly don’t have an answer for you but I wanted to give my experience. My boy will be two next month and for the first 16 months I’m telling, he woke up in the night every 10-15 minutes. His morning time would be 4-5 am. I spoke to every doctor, paediatrician, health visitor absolutely no one could provide a solution. It made me quiet unwell, mentally. It was hell and I felt so very alone. He got a lot better once he turned one, I also moved him into his own toddler bed around 15 months too. Unfortunately, nothing I did helped or even made the slightest difference. It affected me and my journey of mother hood but it does improve. I know it’s not what you want to hear because when I was in that position and everyone told me it gets better. That means absolutely nothing and feels a bit back handed, but from one mum that really struggled to another you’re doing a good job, it’s not you, sometimes little boys just don’t sleep :)) My inbox is always open! X

@Amber rn he still sleeps in his own bed in our room because we’re trying to figure out why his room gets so cold at night, it’s the only room that does

@Charlotte I don’t mean to sound patronising, I’m just trying to help I’m sorry if I misread…it must mean I’m wrong and patronising. I’ll just leave you to it, feel free to help. Actually @Charlotte I re read what I said and I stand by it and I personally think you won’t help because you can’t seem to grasp what I said. She said she’s putting him to bed at 8pm tonight (so assuming that’s normal bed time) and he’s waking at 11pm. He’s basically then awake or asleep for hours until 11am when they SEEM (I’m making an assumption - which is WHY I asked for clarification) to be waking for the day. He then naps. So technically the whole night is 8pm until 11am. Unless she’s considering the morning sleep a nap! It seems like you didn’t read what I read… So yes, my advice is to calculate total sleep needs and we can come up with a schedule to see if it works. I would PERSONALLY not do that morning mini sleep. I don’t think it’s helping. I think I can help @Gyna just trying to understand

@Rachel they are waking for the day at 11am (11.20am precisely) I did read it properly I’m just trying to get more information to help more. What advice did you give?

@Charlotte thats exactly the need to clarify what his total sleep needs are, I’m unsure how you don’t understand that? Could have been a normal night, could have been a total nightmare one off. It’s best to understand what it’s like day to day so we can all help more. Of course I’m generalising because that’s all the information I have. Plus if you read what I said, I asked for more information…

@CharlotteIf you think that won’t help then fine. I’ve had this exact problem which is why I’m trying to help. I paid a consultant and they asked these exact questions, and I’m trying to pass the knowledge on for free. My son sleeps all night now

@Emma nowhere in the post does she say they are waking up for the day at 11 am. She said she is putting him to sleep between 8-9pm and then he is waking up between 10:45-11:20PM & not going back to sleep until his nap at 1 pm the next day! So he is having 2-3 hours of sleep at night & that is it.

@Rachel honestly I’m trying to help where you seem to be bent on correcting me, unsure why. The poster needs to give more in detail information because if the baby is getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night, every night, then they probably need to go to a doctor to see if there are any medical reasons he’s awake so much. Maybe breathing obstruction, a tongue tie etc. They could also consider a cranial osteopath to see if there’s any pain that could be resolved.

@Charlotte I don’t know if you’re joking or serious? If it worked for my child it may work for another. This is actually laughable. Bye

Oof this sounds super tough 😫 has his sleep always been like this or is it a recent thing? X

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