Feeling so deflated 😭

I’m 40 weeks and no sign of labour at all! No loss of mucus plug or bloody show, no contractions.. no nothing 😭 I don’t want another induction as my first was not pleasant but my god I want this baby here now. I’ve tried miles circuit, raspberry leaf tea, the deed THE LOT
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I’m 40 weeks tomorrow and exactly the same! I’ve tried so many different things and really want to avoid an induction too! It’s so frustrating isn’t it

I feel the ladies saying they tried this and that and it put them into labour.. I think their bodies were just *ready* and it has nothing to do with how much you do because I’ve literally tried everything safe 🥲😞 Hope your baby comes safely soon for you hun

I think so too! Hoping the same for you too! Won’t be long I’m sure until we can meet them 💕

Remember the due period is 37-42+ weeks! You can decline induction and make a plan to agree it or c section or whatever by 42+6, by which point your baby will v likely will have arrived spontaneously! Do lots of lovely things to build up that oxytocin 🥰

I'm 40w 2d and the exact same. I am soo fed up and my emotions are absolutely all over the place. This is my first baby and I am just exhausted. Finished work on Christmas eve and have felt so isolated since then as everyone around me is still working! Hoping baby boy makes his appearance soon! X

@Romy oh I know all about the 37-42 weeks 🤣 my first was 42 weeks and I was near a mental breakdown at that point, pregnancy second time around has drained me and I’m trying to hold off on booking induction but it’s so defeating that my body just won’t naturally do its thing, you know? That’s how I feel anyway, as if my body doesn’t know how to spontaneously go into labour 😭

@Leanne it’s really hard towards the end of the pregnancy isn’t it! My emotions are the same, soo hormonal and fed up! The loneliness is awful but don’t forget even though it’s online we are all here to support eachother if you ever need a chat! Hope he comes for you soon hun x

40 weeks as well! And same! I've decided not to put too much pressure on myself and just wait. She will come! I'll also refuse any form of induction until after 42 weeks unless there is something wrong with baby, of course. Good luck, it's so tough! Xx

41+1 here and induction next Friday at 42. I feel like I’m now on a countdown clock 😭

@Becca oh I feel for you girl this was me in my first pregnancy! Born at 42 weeks! I hope it all goes well for you! Not long left now x

Im 40+3 and feeling the same. They’ve automatically booked me in for an induction at 41 weeks saying I don’t have to go for it, but its booked just incase. Had an induction at 37+5 with my first (born 38 weeks) which was just awful so I don’t really want to go through that again. My 3yo is asking every day why the baby isn’t ready yet, sometimes with a strop (we told her her baby sister would come after Christmas) and girl, I feel the exact same way!

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