@Jodie i’m trying very hard not to go that route because this is a genetic problem and his body would eventually get used to the laxatives. that happened to my sister. she would take a whole bottle of miralax and nothing would happen because that’s the only route she went.
As someone who tried many natural ways to get him to go, from experience it worked for us without it becoming a dependant thing. But prescription rules in UK are much stricter so wouldn't allow for dependency. I was dealing with projectile vomit every week so at this point I'd had enough.
Plenty of water, warm baths, tummy massage, high fibre diet, bicycle leg movements.
Try a 1/2 cap full of mirlax my 2 year old goes thru the same then n boil some prunes or raisins and drain the water and mix it in there juice too
You know this massage where you lay him on his back then fold his legs pressed on his tummy. Try it. Make sure to protect the floor tho 🫢🫢🫢and if possible your body .
I would walk him everywhere let him move those legs and hydrate. Let it happen naturally. Peach, plums and pears!! Hope it gets better!
Wheatabix and kiwis are good for helping!
If you can find someone who makes bread from freshly milled flour- hard white wheat, hard red wheat, einkorn etc that has all the germ and bran that is removed from our bread here in the US and has helped people significantly it’s honestly like a laxative but obviously whole food. Wish we were closer I’d make some for you.
i would ask your Pediatrician but maybe you can have him on a magnesium supplement?
@Nikki kiwis with the skin on that’s where the magic is
I’m sure you’re gonna think I’m crazy or you’ve already done it but Apple juice has never failed us in this department
I know you're saying natural remedies and your in the US so probably different but my eldest wouldn't go for days and then he'd be projectile vomiting because his food couldn't pass. The only thing g that worked was being prescribed laxatives which you dissolved in his drink and once he was in a rhythmn it kick started him being able to go every day naturally. He still occasionally doesn't go but its much better than it was. Sometimes natural things won't budge if its long term all it does is build in the system and make it worse x