Throwing phase

Anyone else 21 month old going through a bad throwing phase? He gets so excited and then throws anything really, it's mainly at home as we spoke to the nursery for advice and he only does it sometimes there but actually listens when they redirect him. We try everything, saying we don't throw...we do this with it, we've done no but that just provokes him saying no and doing it even more and laughing in our faces, we've tried ignoring. It's actually driving me mad 😂 when does it end?
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Yep. I take him to the beach most mornings now and we sit and throw stones into the water for a good hour. It must be developmental. I noticed since I’ve done this he doesn’t throw things around the house as much (like food, random objects etc) so think it helps. Is there anything similar you could do or incorporate some throwing games everyday?

@Emma that's a really good idea actually, like something designated for throwing. I think once this cold snap is over (as he hates the cold 😂) we will get out with the balls in the garden or take one when we go to the park. Thanks for your advice :)

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