Thank you Emma- this makes me feel so much more at ease. It didn’t help when my MIL questioned why she was still in size 3! Thank you x
We’ve just moved into 4s
We’re in size 6 already even though she’s nowhere near the weight! Didn’t spend long in 5 at all
Size 3
You’re welcome :) different bands can feel bigger/smaller too! So I find pampers size 3 bigger than tesco size 3 for example
My LG she is size 3.. and will be for a while! Probably could still get away with size 2 🙈 I wouldn’t worry xx
My son is in size 4 which he still has a lot of room in :)
Thank you all so much! You’ve all put my mind at ease xx
3s I think will still fit my LG. She's on the less-chunky side and 9th centile for weight at last check. But where she is moving around so much, we find the stretch and movement of pull-ups so much better, so we're in 4s and they fit well.
Size 3 here. I’m only buying 1 packet at a time because I feel he might grow out of them but honestly I think he will still be in size 3 at 1 years old.
We're in size 3 moving into size 4. He definitely is not ready for size 4 but we've been having more blowouts so we have gotten a few packages of 4 and will try to finish his 3 before moving. He's been in 3 forever it seems.
We’ve not taken any notice on the weights, just on how it seems to fit, we’re in 6 pants for bedtime and 5 nappies through the day x
Size 5 and he's 10 months and perfect height and weight x
We are size 4/4+ with my boy, currently around 50th centile
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
Also in a size 3 and 3-6 month clothes, size 4 basically drops off hum
He’s in the 10th percentile
Nicole- That’s good to know, my daughter is also 3-6 and 6-9 clothes. Thank you x
Still in size 3 here too 🙂 we bought a pack of 4’s just to try and have in last week but they’re still huge! Still in 6-9 clothes (very comfortably!) despite being born the day before due date she’s always been petite!
Size 3 kept leaking so I changed to size 4 and very few leaks so far even though she’s not in the weight bracket yet
4 probably about to go to 5. Depends on the brand though I think.
We're at the last jumbo pack of size 5. Clothes size is 9-12 top, 12-18 bottom. He's 10m and a few days 😅
We’re in size 3! We use size 4 for nighttime but they are massive on her