@Gemma yeah currently trying some sweets fizzy sweets, to get her to move it’s just such a stress! I think I’m going to give them a call just to see , thank you 🥰
I had that at the start of the week felt my boy move a lot from Thursday to Monday but then nothing at all on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then finally felt him again yesterday , I don’t think I’ve felt him today , but I’ve been busy shopping and I’ve been sorting my toddler out, when I went to the midwife she said my baby was kicking the Doppler as in to say get off me leave me alone she asked if I could feel it and I couldn’t , but later on that day I could feel him she said they don’t class it as a concern untill 24 weeks but if I was concerned speak to the hospital at my 20 weeks scan x
It could also depend on where your placenta is lying. If it's at the front, you might not feel as much at this stage as you would later on. However, it's better to be safe than sorry if you are concerned x
I’m the same now ! I’m currently 29 weeks. Xx
Ahh thanks guys, I actually went to my nail appointment and typical she started moving 😅 xx x
They say to only be concerned if you haven’t felt any movement by 24 weeks. I’m 18+2 and haven’t felt any movement yet. And this is my second baby.
In my opinion if you ever feel significantly reduced or stopped movements and a fizzy drink/ sweets don’t work then I’d get checked out. Always better safe than sorry x
It’s unlikely something is wrong but I’d rather drive to hospital 100x and baby is okay than not go once and she isn’t x
@Sarah I’m the same barely any movements and this is my 3rd midwife said he was moving when she listened to his heartbeat but I couldn’t feel anything and I was 18 weeks then , I’m 19 now and still barley anything but I can kinda make out where he is in my tummy as it pokes out x
Have you tried having a really cold drink or something sugary? Sometimes that’ll get them moving. I’m not sure what the threshold is with reduced movements as 19 weeks is still quite early to be feeling a set pattern but personally I would call just for the peace of mind. Always better to call more than necessary than not call and miss something x