For breastfed babies, this sounds normal. My eldest (now 2) pooped every time he ate until he started eating solids regularly (that was 12x/day, until he was 9 months old). My 3 month old now poops 5-6x/day, which is a relief after my first lol. As long as they are having wet diapers (my pediatrician says 5/day) and baby doesn’t seem uncomfortable, I wouldn’t be too concerned.
I would reach out to your doctor. But for the most part I went through this too and my doctor wasn’t concerned. She said as long as he seem hydrated and he isn’t pooping 8 to 10 times a day diarrhea, then he is fine, but to just keep monitoring him. So your baby should be fine.
Mine was fighting this for a while and when I brought it up to his doctor she said if he was making at least 3-4 wet diapers regardless of what kind then he was hydrated. I was told it could be a sensitivity to milk but that's just what mine goes thru. Maybe talk with your doctor about it.