My boy is 6mths and ive been giving him the ellas kitchen sachets since after 4mths. I dont a BLW course with my childrens center and then as he turned 6mths i introduced likes of chicken, yogs, toast, pasta,tuna and some fruits and veg. I going to do the allergens this week as my parnter is off. He like some food some he wretches but thats normal. They say introduce at least 10xs. Theres a group called learning the BLW on fb which is really informative and you can get ideas. By the way you can get full bibs that go over there arms and body! There only £3 in asda! Life saver for having to soak stained clothes. Ellas kitchen also does little snacks like big puff styled crisp but its veggies.
I introduced mixed foods pretty much straught away! Xx
@Laura I chucked it in with the rest of her washing same day and forgot to put any stain remover in and it actually did all come out! I wasn't expecting it to lol
@Leah this is great thankyou for sharing!
Not only curious about the question as I have no clue I'm afraid, I'm curious, did you get the stains out of her lush little outfit?